Past Events

Randribs past event

Albion's Memorial Day
Services are held each year at the Mini-Park located in downtown Albion.

Located at the fairgrounds in May.
Information: Steve Pritchard at (402) 395-2781
University of Nebraska Lincoln - Nebraska Extension in Boone and Nance Counties

In June the Quarter Horse Show takes center stage and in July the annual Boone County Fair and Rodeo is always worth attending. Albion offers many wholesome and fun activities to keep the whole family entertained.

BRAN (Bike Ride Across Nebraska)
Albion hosted several hundred BRAN participants on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at the Boone County Fairgrounds and Fuller Park. BRAN is a charitable Nebraska non-profit corporation whose main intent is to provide a fun, safe way for participants to experience the great state of Nebraska, but also uses its excess revenues to provide scholarships to Nebraska high school graduates to Nebraska Colleges and Universities. This marks the 30th year of the event and this year's theme is "SPACE COWBOY." Albion was voted the "BEST HOST COMMUNITY" by riders in 2010!