Advancing Albion: Our Projects

Downtown Revitalization Plan

Rural Workforce Housing

In May of 2023, AEDC was one of 27 organizations across the state awarded funds from the Nebraska Rural Workforce Housing Fund.  The 1 million dollar award for Albion will be combined with over $550,000 to create a revolving loan fund for housing development. Application is available to builders, developers and other organizations by clicking the current projects and opportunities link below.  Those interested can also view the floor plans of current projects, as well as a request for proposals for two additional properties ready for development in Albion. 


Current Albion Rural Workforce Housing Projects and Opportunities


Facade Improvements

We know small business owners need support to keep their storefronts inviting and updated. Our facade improvement initiative has made a visible impact on businesses across Albion and include projects such as: new windows, new awnings, repaired sidewalks, signage, new doors, lighting improvements, and more.

Downtown Revitalization (DTR)

Albion has been granted $350,000 to revitalize our downtown area. Studies have been done and work is in the initial stages for helping local businesses take advantage of the available dollars to make the most of our improvements. To bring this opportunity to Albion, AEDC contributed $107,450 of matching funds in order to meet grant requirements.

Boone County Trails System

A 2016 community survey showed that a recreational trail system is a primary need for Albion. A committee of various organizations and interested individuals came together to spearhead this initiative. The phase I trail includes a 1.8-mile concrete trail to be constructed around Fuller Park, through the Boone County Fairgrounds, and along South 8th Street. More information can be found on Facebook @BCTrailSystem.

Dilapidated Building Assistance

For many years, AEDC has offered assistance to demolish business buildings and homes in order to improve the image of the community, as well as create opportunities for new businesses and families to relocate to our area. These projects sometimes lead to the purchase of lots so we can take the lead in investigating possible business opportunities.

Impacting Local Success

More than 50% of Albion downtown businesses have utilized facade funding from AEDC.