Albion Volunteer Fire Department

AVFD fighting a fire

The Albion area sleeps a little easier at night thanks to the commitment, skill, and dedication of the generous men and women of the Albion Volunteer Fire & Rescue squad.

Not only are the volunteers of the AVFD experts in emergency response, fire, and rescue, but they're also self-sacrificing, and upstanding members of the community who contribute in many ways. Our purpose is to protect, assist, and advance the safety and well-being of our beloved community. That's why we're committed to continually fine-tuning our skill set and capabilities. We do this through frequent training, monthly drills, and regular continuing education courses. Our cutting-edge facilities allow our crew, as well as a number of other area departments, to train and simulate to the best of our ability so we are prepared when out on a call or in the field. We place a high priority on learning, embracing, and implementing new techniques and the latest proven-effective technologies.

Over the years, a wide range of local events, organizations, and committees have come to rely on our involvement and stewardship. We've donated our time and expertise to everything from sporting competitions (like football games and car races) to annual celebrations (like concerts, cook-offs, and county fairs). The Albion Volunteer Fire Department is made up of many selfless, brave, and committed men and women, and Albion is safer for all because of the dedication of the few.

  • 43 active members (squad capacity: 45)
  • 2,934 hours of yearly training
  • 159 calls responded to in 2020 (139 EMS/20 FIRE)

Our Mission

The mission of the Albion Volunteer Fire Department is to protect lives and conserve property by minimizing the frequency and effect of fires, hazardous materials incidents, disasters, and other like occurrences. The methods used to accomplish this are prevention, control, training, and public education. We are committed to utilizing to maximum efficiency and effectiveness all resources provided by the citizens of the Albion area and all applicable innovations at our disposal.


AVFD firefighters

2580 State Hwy 14
P.O. Box 227
Albion, NE 68620

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41.686518037843, -97.992639541626